tonight one of my friends had a BD get together and there was a chocolate cake, it was really yum, however one of my friends wouldn't touch it, she said she had stopped eating chocolate because she had an addiction to it, which resulted in all kinds of physical symptoms, when she just got near chocolate, never mind eating it... So addictions were the topic and I realized that even thought I tried many things in my life I never developed an addiction, or rather was always able to break it as soon as it started to resemble one. The only thing I NEVER tried are drugs.
I was always afraid that that would be an addiction I won't be able to break thus I won't be in control.
When we create, when we are in the process of giving life to our ideas, dreams, yearnings don't we have to, at some point, be able to relinquish control and give ourselves completely over to the process ?! Don't we have to be able to let go in order to access the deepest parts of ourselves where there's no rules or reasons to constrain, but only the essence?!
seems to me to have an addictive personality might be a plus, or in my situation, the luck of it might be a disadvantage! hmmm